A passion, a family, an adventure…
Tahiti Pearl Market is the commercial face of a family company, created in 1994, whose principal activity is the culture of Tahitian pearls, natural wonder of our lagoons. TAHITI PEARL MARKET started its adventure on the atoll of Takaroa, then gradually grew and now is composed of seven pearl farms which are strategically scattered over five different atolls in the Tuamotu Archipelago. The diversity of these sites allows obtaining the widest ranges of colours – all of them being natural colours.
Our expertise in pearl cultivation motivated us to devise strategies of development for the selection of the different locations of our pearl farms, and it was only with a thorough preliminary study of the distinctive qualities of these islands and their lagoons that we were able to pick the right sites.
Like vineyards that produce different yields in different regions, to obtain the highest calibre of pearls, we need to take into consideration that the success of a yield depends not only on having the technical knowledge and skills but also on being able to choose the right “earth” to harvest. This is the reason why the crystalline waters of the Tuamotu islands, like Ahe, Fakarava and Takaroa, are the birth place of all of the pearls we sell in our stores. These lagoons are renowned for producing pearls whose colours are distinctive in each location.
Fully aware of the frailty of these unique environments which are the lagoons of Polynesia, Tahiti Pearl Market works in perfect harmony and respect with these heavenly atolls. Thereby, our farms are models of integration and of protection of this ecologic environment : all wastes are consistently decanted and filtered, exclusive use of non polluting materials and consistently raising awareness of personnel in order to ensure their role as future caretakers of this environment.